By Doctor Flake, on January 9th, 2022
 Hello! I hope you’re doing well. Wishing you the best for this new year and waiting for a new EP on february 18th, I invite you to free download “my beat” and to listen to my spotify monthly playlist below! Stay tuned and take care MY BEAT MONTHLY PLAYLIST (Please scroll down on my . . . → Read More: Bonus track & monthly playlist
By Doctor Flake, on November 29th, 2021
 Hello, I hope you’re doing well. As we don’t hear enough about waves right now, I thought it was important to insist! This new track will be part of an EP or a LP early 2022. Stay tuned! . . . → Read More: Waves – New single
By Doctor Flake, on May 14th, 2021
 Le titre New Moon célèbre la nouvelle lune du 11 mai et attend impatiemment la réouverture prochaine de tous les dancefloors !
This track celebrates the new moon of May 11 and is impatiently waiting for the dance floors to re open!
. . . → Read More: New Moon – New single
By Doctor Flake, on March 12th, 2021
I invite you to discover Ayyuka, a psyche rock band based in Istanbul. I’ve had the chance to revisit two of their songs and turn them into one single called ” Ayyuka in dub”
Je vous invite à découvrir Ayyuka, un groupe de rock psyché basé à . . . → Read More: Ayyuka in Dub – New single
By Doctor Flake, on December 11th, 2020
 I hope you are doing well and you will enjoy this new remix.
Maasai original track was recorded by the Israelian producer, multi-instrumentalist and filmmaker KUTIMAN after he went on a trip to Tanzania in 2014. When I heard the Maasai chant, I knew I could dig and try something for a remix . . . → Read More: MAASAI – New remix
By Doctor Flake, on May 1st, 2020
 LOCKDOWN, un nouveau titre disponible, j’espère qu’il vous plaira !
LOCKDOWN, a new track available, I hope you will enjoy it!
SEPT 26 – Open music jazz club – Comines – BE . . . → Read More: LOCKDOWN – New single
By Doctor Flake, on March 27th, 2020
 WINTERNESS, un nouveau titre disponible, j’espère qu’il vous fera du bien. Prenez soin de vous et des autres en restant chez vous.
WINTERNESS, a new track available, I hope you will enjoy it. Take care of yourself and others and stay home.
SEPT 26 – Open music jazz club – Comines . . . → Read More: WINTERNESS – New single
By Doctor Flake, on November 8th, 2019
 VOLCANO, un nouveau titre disponible, J’espère qu’il vous plaira!
VOLCANO, a new track available, I hope you will enjoy it!
28 NOVEMBRE – Classical experience - Le Brise glace - Annecy - Infos 04 MARS – Club laiterie (w/Dj Krush) - Strasbourg - Tickets dispos a partir du 13 Novembre . . . → Read More: VOLCANO